Monday, February 20, 2017

Fort Pierce

David and I taught an Intro to Birding class this morning for a great group of people at Oak Harbor. Afterward, we took a trip down to Fort Pierce for lunch, Pokemon and birding, not necessarily in that order. Here's some pictures from the day. Click to enlarge.

 This was kind of cool. This Little Blue Heron caught a fish.
GULP! That fish was gone. But you can clearly see tin his throat.
And here, you can see it further down his throat.
I thought this bird only had one leg, but I found another picture where it you can see he's just standing on one leg.
Immature Brown Pelican.
Extreme closet up of the immature Brown Pelican.
I think people don't realize how incredibly pretty Rock Pigeons are.
I like how the one on the right looks like he is checking the other one out. "How you doin'?"
This was a weird Rock Pigeon, mostly like domestic and intentionally bred for this color scheme.

This was odd - I didn't realize this until I downloaded it, but these two birds have completely different colored eyes.

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