Saturday, February 18, 2017

DuPuis Management Area, Palm Beach County, Florida

We had a great day out at the DuPuis WMA today. The high points were meeting an incredible little boy who did amazing bird calls, and getting my life Red-cockaded Woodpecker (which is also my 8 a.m. photo today.) Here are some of the photos. Lighting was awful, I still need to learn how to work on that. But there are some decent shots in here. (Click to enlarge pictures.)

On the left is the Red-cockaded Woodpecker, on the right is the Red-bellied Woodpecker. Compare and contrast.
Notice that huge white cheek on the Red-cockaded.
Compared with the much larger Red-bellied. Despite his name, his most prominent feature is his red mohawk. Not to be confused with the Red-headed Woodpecker shown below.
This is a cool air plant on one of the pine trees.
A Double-crested Cormorant posed very nicely for us.
Look at how huge his feet are!
And the beautiful green eye.
Kind of a funny shaped head from this angle.
Oops, now I've gone and offended him. Sorry Mr. Cormorant!
We were also treated to great looks at an Indigo Bunting.
He was quite the little poser... opposed to this Red-headed Woodpecker who played hide and go seek with us. This was, sadly, the best shot I got of him.
A Mourning Dove in silhouette.
A Red-shouldered Hawk who posed very nicely for us.
A Mourning Dove, who took the hawk's place after the hawk flew off.
A cool bug, I have no idea what kind.
And, a Millipede.

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