Saturday, July 3, 2021

Sick Scrub Jay

Update July 26: I asked Lumpy to smile for me today. At first he said No, and stop calling me Lumpy. But then I explained it is a term of endearment so he smiled for me. Click pictures to enlarge.

Update: July 22:  I think the lump is getting smaller. The first 3 pictures here are today, the last 3 are from July 5. Although I am a little concerned about what looks like blood around his beak in the last picture here (click to enlarge). 

Update July 19: Lumpy is still hanging in there. He is still eating and hanging with his family. I am not certain, but it almost looks like he is starting to get new feathers coming in. Either that or the lump is getting a little smaller. He looks kind of rough right now, but it's molting time.  All things considered, he is still remarkably perky (see last photo from today.)

Update July 11: I think things might be getting worse.  On his leg where I thought he was just molting, it appears that there is another cyst/tumor now. It's weird because he seems more active, and has been interacting with his family for the past few days, which he hadn't been doing for a while.  It's on his left leg (with the yellow and silver bands) on his lower thigh. But at least as shown in the next picture, he is still eating, and I saw him poop yesterday. 

Update July 9: Might be just wishful thinking, but I think Lumpy (that is his name now) looks better today. He came down and took peanuts.

Older updates

Update July 6: Cyst looks about the same size. He seems to be flying a bit stronger today. Came down and took peanuts. I noticed the feathers are off of his left flank below the cyst. Not sure if just part of regular molt. But at least he seems to be eating. 

Update July 4: Not sure if I am just seeing what I want to see or the camera angle, but I think it looks smaller today, maybe he's getting better? 

One of my Scrub Jays is very ill and getting worse :-( Here are pictures comparing yesterday to today.

July 2, front view
July 3, front view
July 6, front view

July 2, side view

July 3, side view

July 4, side view

July 4, side view
July 6, side view

July 6, side view

July 6, can see feathers off of upper left flank.
Not sure if just regular molt. Good news is that
he is eating, came down and took nuts a few times.