My sistahs have been in Florida, they let me crash their vacation, first in Ft. Myers, then in Key West. Here are some pix.
I took them to Manatee Park, but alas, no Manatees. But there were othah cool things like this Monahch.
Another shot of the Monahch.
This was cool - a Mockingbirhd on the nest.
The Mockingbihd's husband.
A lizzahd, eating something, it kind of looks like it might be eating a baby lizzahd.
All three of us at the National Key Deeah Refuge.
Psyched that they actually got to see Key Deeah.
Wicked pissah! We even got to see a mom and a baby!
Up close...
Even closah.
In Key West, getting ready to go out on a glass bottom boat.
Me and Shuhl.
Me and Lynn. I was only drinking ice tea heayah, but I look remarkably drunk.
My sistahs in front of the glass bottom boat.
At the bow of the glass bottom boat.
Rockin' the glass bottom boat.
My favorite picture of the weekend. Love my sistahs, they do make me laugh!
The sun setting.
The cute little rasta-boy tour guide took this picture for us.
Lynn and Shirl with the sunset behind them, but I goofed up the picture so it isn't as dramatic as it was supposed to be.
Shirl and Lynn at the end of the boat ride.
A little lizzahd on a light on Duval street.