Pictures from this weekend. Click to enlarge.
Turkey Creek. Cooper's Hawk, mooning.
Turkey Creek. Cooper's Hawk, side view. I used a different shot of the Cooper's Hawk for my daily blog.
Turkey Creek. Odd - we saw 4 Red Tailed Hawks there today.
Turkey Creek. I had no idea that turtles had claws like this. Dang!
Turkey Creek. This is an air plant and I can't remember it's name.
Round Island. Great Blue Heron nominee on a fish.
Round Island. Mangrove Tree Crab. This has been one of my nemesis critters for a long time, I've never gotten a good shot before. I used a different pose of him for my daily blog today.
Round Island. I think this is either a young or female Mangrove Tree Crab.
Round Island. A couple shells someone posed there.
Round Island. A Red-bellied Woodpecker. I'd like to take credit for this picture, but this is just a matter of having a really good camera, and a bird with impeccable personal grooming skills.
Round Island. This picture reminds me of Conan O'Brien for some reason. I think it's the hair.
Round Island. Very photogenic little guy.
Round Island. I think this was an eel of some kind.
Round Island. Manatee! (Did a little editing - he's black and white for a project.)
Round Island. Manatee! (Did a little editing - he's black and white for a project.)
Round Island. Manatee! (Did a little editing - he's black and white for a project.)
Round Island. Manatee! (Did a little editing - he's black and white for a project.)
Round Island. Manatee! (Did a little editing - he's black and white for a project.)
Round Island. Manatee! (Did a little editing - he's black and white for a project.)
Round Island. Manatee! (Did a little editing - he's black and white for a project.)
Round Island. Manatee! (Did a little editing - he's black and white for a project.)
Indrio Savannah. I don't know what this is. Would love some tips if anyone else does.
Indrio Savannah. Common Buckeye Butterfly.
Indrio Savannah. A Skink, one of my favorite critters here. Funny thing is, he REALLY wanted me to take his picture, so he kept taking a step towards me and posing, and smiling. Thing is, I only had my long lens and couldn't get him in focus. Unfortunately, something got his tail, but he was still cute.
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