Mom and Dad have a ton of humming birds on their feeder. This one posed nice on the wire plant frame. She hung out here quite a bit.
I was surprised to find what jerks hummingbirds can be. There are 4 feeding stations, but rather than just each picking one, they just fought and whomped each other. In this picture, I had just filled the feeder, so it's not like food was at a premium. There were times when the feeder was empty but there were about 6 birds just wailing on each other instead of eating!
This is a terrible picture, bit it's the only boy I got. These were all Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, the ones with out the red are either girls or immature.
Matthew, looking good on top of Chimney Rock.
David, looking all patriotic and dramatic and birdy.
Mmmmmmm, eye candy!
Scott, Matthew and David
Scott, Matthew, Dad and David. I love how dramatic Matthew looks here.
My favorite picture of the trip - David and Mom at Chimney Rock.
So, me, Dad, and David climbed down a vertical mile trail that was almost entirely stairs. And the only thing of interest that we saw was this weird red mushroom. No birds or anything else, just knee pain and a mushroom. Which sounds like a pair of terrible morning DJs.
Took a walk down the mountain Mom and Dad live on. I found this really cool cow. Click to enlarge to check out the face of the one in the middle, he looks like he is wearing a skull mask!
This is a Luna Moth who came to visit us. He was on the screen porch the first day, then moved around. Here he is on the support for the porch.
David and Matthew at Brasstown Bald. We go here every year.
Mom and Dad at Brasstown Bald.
David and Matthew watching videos. I love this picture:-)
On the way home we stopped in Jacksonville to go birding with some new friends. This is a Laughing Gull looking all dramatic.
This is a baby Laughing Gull and his mom. I didn't get her actually puking for him, but this was pretty close!
Mom and baby having a chat.
Common Grackle. What I like about this picture is that you can clearly see he is of the white eyed variety. They also come with kind of reddish brown eyes.
A HUGE weird fly on the beach.
A Reddish Egret
A bird leg. David ID'd it, but I don't remember what it was.
A Fiddler Crab. Click to enlarge and see his really angry looking eyes.
These pictures tell a story:
"Hi, I'm a Caspian Tern"
"Hey, so am I! Pleased to meet you!"
"I have feet"
"Well... yeah... ok."
A Black Skimmer
A really big weird dead fish, no idea what species.
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